Turkey Hash

Wait until about the Wednesday after Thanksgiving, or when you arrive at the point where you just cannot imagine eating one more piece of turkey, whichever comes first. Pull all the little scraps of meat from the carcass, but do not use the Pope's nose, which is that nob on the turkey's ass that held the feathers, because I think it is nasty.

3 cups of cooked turkey

2 cups of sliced onions

water, salt and pepper

1 cup of milk mixed with 2 tablespoons of flour

Put a blob of Crisco in a black cast iron skillet, or any sort of skillet you have. If you don't have Crisco it is perfectly okay to use butter or oil. Get it hot. Add the onions and stir them around until they are translucent. Add the turkey and about a cup of water. Season with salt and pepper and cook it for a little while. Mix the milk and flour in a jar, put the top on and shake it vigorously. Add it while stirring, to the turkey and onion mixture, then cook it until it thickens. If it's not thick enough you can add some more flour but if you add it directly to the mess in the skillet you will get lumps. Trust me.

Serve over rice or biscuits or anything else you have around that would be a good vehicle for a sauce such as this.

Serves 5