frequently asked questions

Did your sisters really make you eat toothpaste?

They didn't usually make me eat STRAIGHT toothpaste. It was usually a concoction that began with a little bit of water and some toothpaste, and to that they would add spices and maybe some Tobasco. And it's not as if they held me down and made me eat it. I was happy to eat it because I would do anything to make them play with me. And they said if I ate it they would play with me. But I'm not sure they actually always made good on the deal.

How far apart in age are you and your sisters?

Norah is 2 years and 1 month younger than Janelle. I am 2 years and 1 month younger than Norah. Momma kept a very strict calendar and had her children precisely on schedule.

Do you like being the youngest?

Absolutely. I wouldn't trade being third for anything in the world. I had it made. Janelle always had to make the path, Norah stayed on the path but also made a lot of new ones. By the time they got to me they didn't give a shit where I walked, as long as my path eventually led out the door.


How did you learn to do so much stuff?

I am curious and have Attention Deficit Disorder, so must always be doing something. Except now that I am older I am less into always doing something.

Does Tony really drink that much Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper?
