Youngest Sister

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Be My Valentine Please

What does the Youngest Sister have in common with Sarah Josepha Hale, author of Mary Had a Little Lamb? We both wrote songs that would eventually be listed among the most well-known and loved tunes in history. While mine hasn't made it to that status yet, I have no doubt that within about 100 years, the song Be My Valentine Please will be known as The Valentine's Day Song.

Sarah Josepha Hale (1788-1879), author of Mary Had a Little Lamb. (Portrait by James Reid,

Mary Welby Hardin (b. 1958), author of Be My Valentine Please.

Last Wednesday, which was Valentine's Day, I crawled out of bed long enough to prop myself up at the piano and make a video to share a tune I had written for my mother a little over 50 years ago. (Honestly, it makes me gasp to write that sentence and face the fact that I was old enough to write a song over 50 years ago.) I was too lazy to write a post about it on Valentine's Day because, as you will remember from my January Schmanuary post, I have been in hibernation since December 31st. I made the video in a stunning single take, slapped it up on my YouTube channel, posted it on my Facebook page and on Instagram, and went back to bed.

Proof that I'm not lying about how popular this video has been. (Which is not to say Facebook isn't lying to me).

Appreciation for the video has been huge, as evidenced by the pop-up notifications I am receiving from the social media outlets - Your video has been viewed more than 100 times! People have watched this video for a total of 94 minutes (FYI, the video is only 30 seconds long). My friend Amy lamented that it had become her new earworm, which is deeply gratifying for me and must have been deeply disturbing to Amy. My friend Peggy, a lurker who silently enjoys my posts but is unable to make a commitment via subscription or Likes, asked me to repeat the unforgettable lyrics which she had, unfortunately, forgotten (Peggy - see inset). Yet, because I was too lazy to write a blog post about the song that is soon to be known around the world, many of my loyal subscribers did not receive their cherished 7:00AM e-mail notification of The Latest from Youngest Sister and, as a result, have not been able to enjoy the inspirational video that has brought joy to the hearts of so many. 

I am deeply sorry for this transgression and offer this gift as an act of contrition. For a limited time I am offering you, my readers, a subscription to my YouTube channel absolutely FREE! That's right - go to the Youngest Sister Channel on YouTube TODAY, click the Subscribe button, and you will be able to view all 11 of my priceless videos at no charge. Enjoy the Hamilton song parody, written for my niece's graduation, for free. Gape in awe at my educational videos, How to Install a Swim Spa and How to Recane a Footstool for zero dollars! View my deeply embarrassing rendition of Tina Turner's Proud Mary without obligation! Watch Be My Valentine Please again and again, throughout the year. And if you can't subscribe to YouTube because you are a lurker there too and never sign in, for heaven's sake, click here to subscribe to the blog. Because subscribers get the best stuff, like this never-before-published Christmas treat that was sent only to loyal subscribers.

It was just ten months ago that I launched this blog with that ground-breaking self-revelatory post, Youngest Sister: The Adventure Begins, in which I asked each of you to, "Look around you. Make a note of where you are sitting, what you are doing, what the sky looks like outside. Because, one day, when Youngest Sister has become a thing, people will ask each other, 'Do you remember where you were when YOU first saw it?'" 

Well? Do you? Post where you were or what you were doing on that famous day in the Comments below. Then forward this to a friend. Use the buttons below to share this post on social media. IT TAKES A VILLAGE, people, so let's get crackin'. Because this blog still isn't a thing. At least not yet.